Good Nutrition, Why Does It Even Matter?
Why does having good nutrition matter in life?
To some people it truly doesn’t but to many of us we do care about our health and the impact good nutrition has on our quality and longevity in life. Why do I talk so passionately about living a healthy lifestyle and focusing on good nutrition? Because it directly impacts our lives. How we show up in the world, our health risks, the ability to be active, to explore, to show up for the people we love…all of this is directly related to how we treat our physical bodies.
We all have heard the phrase, “you are what you eat”, and in truth our bodies literally are what we eat. The nutrition we take in converts itself to the building blocks of our bodies. So if you are eating processed, quick, fatty foods then your body will reflect that. The analogy has been used before that you wouldn’t put sugar into your car and expect it to run well so why do that to your body. What you put into your mouth is broken down into nutrient that then makes-up your physical body.
Let’s talk the link of poor nutrition with illness. All diseases are not preventable. Some things just happen and there is nothing you could have done to see it coming or to stop it. That being said, most common ailments are avoidable. Diabetes, heart disease, many cancers, just to name a few of the most common, can be almost entirely prevented through nutrition. That not only adds years to your life but also adds money to your wallet. Being sick is very expensive. It can often lead people to blow their entire life savings, it can break apart families, force people to leave their families far too soon, and it puts you on the sidelines of your own life. Preventing disease is more than just not getting sick, it is all the other elements that are impacted by that as well.
Having good nutrition habits is linked to a longer life, a happier life, less disease, more energy, and so much more. If you care about showing up for your life and being able to do all the things you want then you should care about your nutrition. A healthy life means a fuller life being able to take part in life far into old age. Of the many things that are linked with healthy habits and good nutrition are: less disease which means more money to spend on things and more time out of hospitals doing things you love, more energy for your life, extended quality of life which means more healthy days later in life, ease of movement throughout life, showing up healthy for your kids and grandkids, and those are only the big things.
So why does it matter to have good nutrition and healthy habits? Because your life depends on it. The longevity of your life, the enjoyment, the opportunities, it all is impacted by what you choose to consume.