Nutrition Inventory

Nutrition, a simple term with such a complicated meaning. Encompassed in nutrition is what we eat, when we eat, how we eat, our relationship with food, how we value food to our wellbeing, and the science behind it all.

When we talk about health, fitness and nutrition we are talking about what food does to your body and how it does it. Fitness, wellness, longevity all depend on nutrition. What you use to fuel your body matters, what you use to recover matters.

Think about your own nutrition habits, I want you to walk through your kitchen and look in your fridge and all your cabinets, what do you see? In your cabinets is everything in boxes,non-perishable and prepackaged? Do you have mostly quick snacks and microwavable meals? Are you seeing beans, fresh fruit and vegetables, frozen vegetables, and whole grains? Take an inventory of what nutrition is available to you on a daily basis. Really, pause reading and go walk through your kitchen.

After taking inventory of your kitchen you can get an idea of where you need to make changes to what is available to you on a daily basis. Based on your goals you are likely going to have to revamp everything you know. Even if longevity and fewer hospital visits, nothing fitness related, are your goals that will mean a big change. We look at specific nutrition advice in other articles, based on fitness and health goals, but will take a broad overview here.

Even if you are someone who thinks, “I already eat a lof of fresh fruits and vegetables I don’t need to think about my nutrition”, you probably have not considered the macronutrients and micronutrients your body needs to function its best. Or in what combination foods can be eaten to be more bioavailable to your body. Maybe your healthy-looking fridge is just distracting you from what you really are eating. Do you have healthy food going bad because at the end of the day you are tired and grab a handful of crackers and cheese, which turns into 4 handfuls? Are you lying to yourself? Because many of use are. We convince ourselves our eating habits aren’t bad because confronting reality makes us uncomfortable I’m here to help explore all these connections with you.

At this point you might be thinking, “ok…Jackie, who are you? Why should I read what you have to say?” because I was you. I’m normal. I’m not an influencer. I’m not trying to be someone. I’m just a girl who struggled with serious body issues, had an E.D. at a time, wasn’t fit, wasn’t healthy but I took my life back under my control and became obsessed with it.

Understanding what you eat, why you eat it and how to improve your life through nutrition is my mission.


Plant Based Kitchen


30 Days Plant Based