Quote Reflection: It’s Never Too Late
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”
I often think and fall victim to the excuse that I never have enough time to do everything that I want, but really it’s just that, an excuse. Too many of us walk around saying we don’t have time for anything, that we are “too busy”.
“ If we use busy as an excuse for not doing something, what we are really, really saying is that it’s not a priority. It’s not as important to us.”
By falling to this excuse myself and all of us are just putting off the life that we deserve. Time is short but also we overestimate we underestimate just what we can do in 5 or 10 years. When I think back to the past 10 years of my life I cannot believe all that I have been able to accomplish. I never thought 10 years ago that this is where I would be in life. Life seems to move so fast in the day-to-day but over the course of years all the choices we make along the way bring us to a place we never could have predicted.
When we get stuck in the thought pattern that there is never enough time then we will be right. There won’t be time if years go on with the same excuse and same patterns of behavior. It is never too late to become the person you want to be. It hurts a lot more to look back at your life disappointed with all that you left on the table undiscovered. Rather than taking 5 years to pursue a new education or seeking out a new career or committing to a journey of self discovery you sit there complaining moving through the same motions using the same excuse, “there isn’t enough time”. There is always time to grow and change. There is never enough time to remain stuck, it’s like time is standing still with one day looking the same as all the others and in that pattern nothing in your life will change. You’ll continue to live the same unhappy, unfulfilling life everyday. The good news though, is that you can choose at any point in time to be who you want to be. Just stop making excuses about time.
There is so much social pressure around choosing a career and staying that job forever, staying in the belief system that you were raised in, remaining the same person…it is all just a lie and a way to make those who are stuck not feel bad about themselves. So many people are living lives that they feel are forced upon them and they don’t see that they have a way out, so they want to make others feel bad for living a more aligned life. It’s all bullshit, fear inflicted upon you to remain stuck, fall into the same “too busy” pattern as everyone else. Screw that system!
YOU deserve to live whatever life you want. You can choose at any point in time to pursue the path that most aligns with the person that you want to be. It truly is never too late. You need to remember that the years will go by and that before you even realize it you will be in a career, life, place, mindset that is more aligned for you. If you don’t make that choice right now the days of your life will go by so slowly and you’ll keep living the same unhappy loop. Don’t choose that life for yourself. You deserve so much more.
There is more time than you could ever imagine to pursue the things you want in life. Decide today what path you are going to never be “too busy” for.