What is Mindfulness…to me?
Mindfulness is defined by mindful as, “Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.” This definition strongly resonates with me.
To me mindfulness means being present, being aware, and not letting fleeting thoughts or emotions derail our path.
Why include mindfulness here with fitness and nutrition? There are three pillars I believe contribute to our overall health and those are mind, body and spirit. Nutrition takes care of body and mind, so does fitness. Mindfulness takes care of mind and spirit. They all need to exist in order to show up as the healthiest version of yourself.
I struggle the most with mindfulness and so in the spirit of authenticity I am sharing with you all how I think about mindfulness, different approaches and thoughts on mindfulness, and how I am working everyday to be more mindful in my own life.