Intro to WFPB - Week 2
Originally published May 2022
I am now 16 days into this journey and am enjoying it so much!
My body feels like it is finally functioning the way it is supposed to. One of the biggest changes I have noticed is my digestion. I am running like a well oiled machine these days and it feels amazing. I also am finding that my energy has not been a roller coaster like it was previously. I am able to sustain energy levels throughout the day without feeling like I need a few naps to get through. Previously getting up at 5am was a struggle that persisted throughout the day, leading to extreme lethargy late afternoon and needing to get to bed before 9 pm. I’m now experiencing just a more consistent energy level. Of course getting out of bed at 5am is still difficult but I’m finding once I am up I have more energy before I even have my one cup of coffee. Throughout the day my energy, and this often shows in my attention, is just more stable. I do not feel incredible dips and can actually stay up later now. As an amateur athlete who teaches full time, coaches part-time, is in grad school and has a million other hobbies and obligations; the ability to stay up later is huge.
I’m getting much better about always having snack with me. This week my go-to’s have been cashews, pumpkin seeds, strawberries, bananas and overnight oats. Having these snacks handy ensures that if I’m at an event or with family and there are no or few options for me that I will have something to keep me fueled.
As I begin to add more training volume to prepare for my sprint triathlon I will be more curious to see how this way of eating affects my training and recovery. So far with simply running ~50 miles a week I have been feeling really great. Besides my energy levels it does not feel, yet, that much else has been effected but we’ll see. This week begins some biking and swimming so at next weeks recap I will have more to share.
It has been incredibly eye-opening just the stain that the animal industry has on what we eat. Products that I never before would have guessed to have milk or eggs in them surprisingly those ingredients show up on too many products. When I think about the impact that the animal agriculture industry has on the environment my brain thinks of just meat production but it is much further reaching than that.
As I fill my brain with more and more research on the health effects and environmental impact of consuming animal products it is getting harder to ignore certain situations. When I now see people, and people I love, consuming the incredible amount of animal products that they do I worry. I want the people around me to live long healthy lives and it is sad that many of them are not interested to hearing the science and benefits of reducing that consumption. I will never lecture others or tell them how to live their lives but with this incredible information I’m learning I feel it is up to me to educate those around me. So many of us are living shorter unhealthy lives because of what we consume and that can be fixed. We can live longer lives and have longer healthier years. When I look at our environment we are screwed. We did this. We can help slow it down. It is that simple we have to make sacrifices and big changes in order to give future generations a healthy home.
“The Proof is in the Plants” (Simon Hill) - Takeaways
“Eating a plant-based diet…a precaution that will statistically reduce you chance of developing or dying from chronic lifestyle disease, and leave you full of energy along the way.” (Hill, 7) scientific article
What I fear most is dying, what I fear next is spending years of my life unable to do the things I love because of illness. I want my years on this planet to be full and if the chances are greater to achieve that with a plant-based diet I want that option.
"FAO cites that animal agriculture alone generates 14.5% of human-induced global greenhouse gases.” (Hill, 8) scientific article
We have the power to do something about our choices and I have decided I’m not going to sit idly by.
“You don’t want to die early, nor do you want to be afflicted by chronic health conditions that reduce your quality of life.” (Hill, 11)
My goal is to live long, healthy, and as able-bodied for as long as I can.
Go To Meal Of The Week
Veggie/Buddha Bowl
- Lentils
- Chickpeas
- Sautéed mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower
- Tomatoes
- Spinach
- Garlic
- Avocado
Absolutely delish! Throw basically any veggies in and you are good to go. Covers everything I need in one bowl.
I always have cooked lentils and brown rice available as the base for any recipe. Also, as someone who is always on the go, knowing I have easy dishes ready to throw together in the fridge makes eating healthy plant based dishes simple.
Last thing I will say is that I spoke to a friend this week who gets it and she said it’s ok to not do this perfect. It is ok if you slip or mistakenly eat something because what matters is that you are trying. Trying and being intentional is the most important thing.