Introduction to WFPB - Week 3

The experience of transitioning to a plant exclusive diet has made me feel more like myself than I have in a long time. 22 days into this journey and not only has aspects of my health become more clear but aspects of who I am have become more clear. The health benefits I somewhat anticipated because of how much research I have done (although I’m still curious how they will continue to impact me) but the clarity I am experiencing about who I am and what is important to me was not expected.

I don’t believe this insight is directly associated to what I eat but more so to the changes in lifestyle and having a more open mind. It could absolutely have something to do with the food too but I don’t know the research for that. Doing this thing that has had such incredible benefits for me has just shown me that following my interests and passions is what brings me joy. That sounds simple but I have put off travel and studying dietetics for too long ( I keep making excuses like “no time” “no money” blah). There is time but just like this experience with food, it will take some adapting and adjustment. I no longer want to settle. Settle for a bad diet, settle for a mediocre job, settle for a mediocre salary, settle for a mediocre living situation, or settle as a mediocre athlete. I will adapt, adjust and learn just like I am doing with my plant based diet.

New learning opportunities from this week! Some brands of tortillas chips have milk, why? Great question seems incredibly unnecessary. For me, having fruit available at all times is a must. I love nuts and seeds but after always having that as a go-to snack it gets old really quickly. What never gets old is a variety of fresh fruits.

Another thing, I do not judge or impose anything on other people, but I find myself feeling bad for people now when I see how they eat. When I see a friend or family member eating meat now or a plate of cheese I just feel bad that they do not know what I do and are willingly hurting their bodies. It isn’t that there is not a place for a 80% plant-based and 20% other kind of diet it’s that right now what I see around me is a 70% processed, meat, cheese, dairy heavy diet in most people. That is doing nothing positive for anyone’s longevity.

One of my happiest takeaways from this last week is the people who are surprisingly open to hear what I have to say and try new foods. My partner grew up on a typical Midwestern diet where chicken, beef, and cheese are basically the base of any meal but I have been cooking more new recipes that he has actually really enjoyed. I have also had friends read this blog and are fascinated by the information I am sharing.

What a standard day of eating looks like by the numbers:

“The Proof is in the Plants” (Simon Hill) - Takeaways

On Page 24 Hill talks about how during the time in our history when people were dying from what we would consider common diseases today, our medical system improved greatly to improve the health and longevity of the population. We saw a medical problem and fixed it. Yet today, we are still living in these ancient practices while not having the same issues. Now our food is making people sick and the health system is letting it happen. We are in the business of sick-care not health-care. “People were safe from scurvy and rickets, but at risk of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.”

“It identified that industry-funded studies were 400% to 800% more likely to find a favourable outcome in support of the funding company’s product/s compared with non-industry funded research.” (Hill, 29)

“…still reserves the right to terminate studies if the findings are not in its interests” (Hill, 29) reference 1 - reference 2

The tobacco industry was pulling the same thing with shady research and we shut it down but with food we turn the other way. Companies are creating specific environments for the research that is done on their products to ensure positive results. Industry funding, curated testing, how results are interpreted, and in the end the ability to throw out research are some ways these studies are corrupt. Things will not change until we change them, until we do not settle for the screwed up way they get away with giving us information.

This Week’s Favorite Recipe

Spicy Cauliflower Tacos from Thug Kitchen

My hope is to tackle almost all of the recipes from this cookbook this year and this taco recipe absolute win! So unbelievably easy to make and delicious. The great thing about this one is the spice level is so easy to adjust. This recipe is also a great one for leftovers.

So far my why’s to go plant based just keep growing! I’m excited to continue this journey and share it will you all.


Introduction to WFPB - Week 4


Intro to WFPB - Week 2